Category Archives: Wellness & Safety

EASY! 5 Clever Tips if You Have Bad Eyesight

tips for bad eyesight

Thanks to old age and plenty of other conditions, bad eyesight is far too common. Some of us here at Stewart Lighting suffer from it, too! Surprisingly, home lighting has significant influence in improving (or worsening) one’s vision. So though your home lighting likely has great style, it may not be functional for struggling eyes. …

Turn Off Seasonal Depression with These Quick Tips (No Pills Needed)

Turn off seasonal depression

Do you or a loved one feel especially gloomy in winter? Perhaps you’ve been excessively tired, had little energy, or found yourself overeating consistently. If so, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder that causes depression-like symptoms during winter months. Common SAD risk factors include: Living far from the equator Having …