Contractors: 6 Reasons You Should Ditch the Hardware Store Lighting Aisle: How Sourcing from a Lighting Showroom is Better for Your Business While the pressure and prices in the housing market continue to rise due to supply chain shortages and increased demand, all businesses are looking for ways to get the best value for their …
Have you ever purchased something online only to have it arrive looking very different than you expected it to, or it just didn’t look as good in your space as you thought it would? Have you ever purchased an item at the store based off the image on its packaging only to be disappointed by …
Whether it’s a quiet family dinner or a formal party, the backyard can be a perfect hosting space. Kids have room to run around, hosts can invite more people, and no one has to vacuum at the end of the night. But when the sun starts to set – you’ll want to have thought ahead …
Light is all around us, controls what we do and how our body runs. Yet, most people haven’t given much thought to the kinds of light that surround them. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of both as we explain how to use light to your advantage. Types of Light in Interior Design When …
Did you know that the color of the lights in your home has an affect on your health? Both your sleep and your mental health can be influenced by the type of light you’re exposed to during the day, and it’s about more than just the lightbulbs in your bedside lamp.In 2020, people spent an …
Whether your backyard is large or small, verdant or concrete, you want to make the most of your outdoor space by making it a beautiful and comfortable place where you want to spend your time. No matter what you have to work with, we’ve put together 6 suggestions that will help you make your backyard …
Picture this: You wake up early on a workday (a feat to be proud of). You don’t necessarily have to, but you’ve got the time, so you decide to spend some of that extra time on your makeup. After one last quick check in the mirror, you head out the door, feeling yourself and the …
Fads come and go. And while there’s nothing wrong with jumping on an interior design trend you love, we all do it knowing that it won’t be in style forever. Timeless design styles are so named because they don’t look “stuck in a time” – making them excellent choices for spaces you don’t want to …
More people are working from home than ever before! Because of this, having a dedicated home office space has moved to the top of the home improvements list for many homeowners seeking refuge from daily noises and distractions at home. (Who can focus in a kitchen with a 2-year-old belting “Let it Go” at the …