Are LED’s Worth the Investment? Let’s do the math…

It’s a fair question! I’ve seen their ups and downs, so let me tell you my experiences with the bulbs. When one of the first PAR30 bulbs came out, one of my clients invested a small fortune filling every can light in his home with those bulbs.  Supposedly, they were rated for 50,000 hours (about …

Turn Off Seasonal Depression with These Quick Tips (No Pills Needed)

Turn off seasonal depression

Do you or a loved one feel especially gloomy in winter? Perhaps you’ve been excessively tired, had little energy, or found yourself overeating consistently. If so, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder that causes depression-like symptoms during winter months. Common SAD risk factors include: Living far from the equator Having …

Nature-Inspired Lighting for Indoor Spaces

Eco-friendly. Plant-inspired. Natural colors. These well-loved decor trends are giving homes across the world a breath of fresh air by inviting the outside in. Whether you take care of an army of plant babies or, if your green thumb skipped a generation, you prefer to use nature-inspired shapes, colors, and materials in your design, you’re …

Learn How Light Can Radically Lift Your Mood (All-Natural, No Side Effects)

How light lifts mood

Let’s face it. Life is hard and sometimes it can bring us down. Work, family, and other responsibilities are all factors that affect our mood. But what are the best ways to improve your mood? Although feeling sad is a common and should not make you feel any shame—feeling this way is but a small …