If you’ve ever purchased an appliance, light bulb, or television, you’ve probably heard the phrase “Energy Star”. And sure, it sounds like a good thing, but what does it really mean? There’s a lot we could say about it, but here are just four things we want everyone to know about Energy Star. 1. They …
Author Archives: Stewart Lighting
We promise that we can show you a super-easy way to boost your productivity. Hang with us as we lay a little bit of background, but don’t worry. It’ll be worth it (an much easier than you think). Sooo… have you ever heard of the Kelvin scale? Vaguely familiar? Blank? Well, not to worry…most of …
It’s a common misconception that fans always bring down the temperature. However, there’s a little more to it than that. When I was a kid, our home didn’t have central air or heat, so in the winter we’d build a fire in our wood heater, open the bedroom doors, and slowly let the heat spread …
It’s a fair question! I’ve seen their ups and downs, so let me tell you my experiences with the bulbs. When one of the first PAR30 bulbs came out, one of my clients invested a small fortune filling every can light in his home with those bulbs. Supposedly, they were rated for 50,000 hours (about …
Morning routine matters. Plenty of health experts have shared their research and expertise on the topic, and it’s about time we shared ours. We are staffed with people just like you—people who sometimes wake up late and stumble out the door, who wish they had more time for the gym, who care about doing their …
Do you or a loved one feel especially gloomy in winter? Perhaps you’ve been excessively tired, had little energy, or found yourself overeating consistently. If so, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a mood disorder that causes depression-like symptoms during winter months. Common SAD risk factors include: Living far from the equator Having …
Are you tired of the bedtime battle? You know, the daily conflict that occurs between you and your children to get them to sleep? Perhaps your child is anti-bedtime and creates a skirmish to get to the bedroom, but then deals ok with it. Or, maybe your child is the type to leave their bed …
Imagine getting in bed and then realizing you forgot to turn off the light, but rather than getting up, you use a simple voice command, and all the lights go off. Or imagine you just finished watching a movie and the whole room is dark, but instead of hunting in the dark to find a …
What’s the big deal with LED strip lights anyway? Let’s be honest. Sometimes we can get so caught up in the beauty and aesthetics of our home lighting fixtures that we forget to add into our design the practical purposes of light. Not only does light allow us to see things clearly, but it also …